Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Procedure May 1st 2012

Ray and Amanda
Procedure for making ferrofluid substance

Ferric chloride

Steel wool

Distilled water



Oleic Acid

1. Mix 25mL of Ferric chloride with 25mL of water.

2. Add steel wool then stir it until it turns bright green. (Bright greenish chemical is Ferrous Chloride or FeC12).
3. Strain it to get rid of the steel wool and dirt. Best to use a coffee filter as strainer.

4. Add 40 mL of ferric chloride to the Green Ferrous Chloride. The ratio should be 1:1.

5. Mix the solution and while stirring, add 400 mL of ammonia slowly.
6. Heat the solution for an hour at boiling point. When it has boiled already, stir the solution.

7. Add small amount of oleic acid while stirring. A total of 10mL of oleic acid should be added to your solution.
8. Continue heating near boiling point until the smell of ammonia subsides.
9. Let the solution cool entirely.
10. Add 200mL of kerosene and blend it well.

11. There will be 2 layers after the solution settled. The black layer on top is the magnetite particles (ferrofluid) and the second layer is the remaining water and kerosene. Pour the ferrofluid layer off on the top and trash the other layer.

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